Rina Salya

A result oriented person, Rina Salya have spent many good years working as a practitioner in the Human Resources arena. For the past four years Rina Salya has been focusing her Human Resources interest more towards deepening her analysis in personality assessments and how personality can cater more in improving work performances in organizations, for self development and awareness, as well as in increasing understanding between teams.

Rina enjoys exploring new insights and will thrive to gather as many information as she can to have the ultimate understanding of that particular new area, that may be of high benefit to her working essentials in Human Resources.

She enjoys many social activities in her spare time. Relaxing with her many wonderful and diversed friends, usually exploring new activities or what Rina does best, that is to venture the culinary world. Rina enjoys life in photography and discussing together many current affairs with her social circle.

Rina tends to shy away from the spotlight but enjoys a good company, meeting new friends and building networks, that she sees can open new possibilities for herself and also for others. She enjoys a good excitement in film streaming, which she is so patient to do, loves to watch horror movies, and television programs that are inclined to mystical stories and paranormal activities. Yes, Rina Salya is indeed one of a kind. A great cook, dives her personal and professional balance by drawing and listening to pop music from both the East and West and even some Korean songs.

As an HR Consultant, Rina Salya is passionate in recruitment services where in that capacity she is brilliant in conducting assessment that is based on competency and personality and also in development, most especially in giving coaching and consultation in the context of personal planning and personal growth. Rina is indeed an expert in coaching people or groups who are about to enter their retirement period. She prepares them well to face the new challenges with her people and logical way of nurturing.


Please contact us for more information on our Consulting Services or should you need information on any of our customized services, relating to coaching, trainings and Organizational Development, as well as Public Speaking skills enhancement.